Question Title


This focus group occurs in Burnaby, BC, and is not open to fans from other countries! Sorry!

Please complete the following survey completely and honestly to apply to participate in our Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer playtest next week. We're looking for a variety of participants, from hardcore fans to gamers that have never played the series!

Participants will receive a free EA-developed game as thanks for your time and your opinions!

Please share this opportunity with interested friends in the Vancouver area. All participants we select will receive an email and/or phone call with more information. Thanks for your interest.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following:

We will *only* use your information to select and contact you for this session.

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* 2. Phone Number

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* 3. Please provide your availability below, selecting ALL times you'd be available for.

Note: You MUST be available for the full time. Latecomers will *not* be allowed to participate.

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* 4. How did you hear about this opportunity?

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* 5. Have you attended a *single-player* Dragon Age Inquisition playtest before?

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* 6. If yes, what did you playtest or give feedback on?

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* 7. Have you attended a *multi-player* Dragon Age Inquisition playtest before? (or played it at PAX)

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* 8. How familiar are you with news about Dragon Age Multiplayer?

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* 9. Have you attended a Game Ops / User Experience Testing Labs session before?

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* 10. What platform do you primarily game on?

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* 11. What are a few of your favourite video games? (Any genre, please be honest!)

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* 12. Please rate your experience with each title below. We will be recruiting based on a variety of experience, from diehard fans to new players!

  1. Never played it 2. Played a little bit 3. Played most of the game 4. Completed the game once 5. Completed the game several times 6. Completed the game many times
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age 2
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate the importance to you of each game element in games you play. We'll be recruiting for a variety of gameplay preferences!

  1. Not at all important 2. Not very important 3. Somewhat important 4. Very important 5. Critically important
There is lots of combat
Combat is very tactical
Combat is fast-paced
I can customize the look of my character(s)
I can craft my own equipment
I can freely move around game zones
There is a very deep story
I can skip parts of the story I don't care about
I can solve problems multiple ways
I can play against other people online
I can play cooperatively with other people online
I can explore a large game world
I can modify my equipment using crafting/magic
I can unlock Achievements/Trophies
I can complete goals in the game the order I choose

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* 14. Which of the following are your preferred gaming genres? (Select all that apply)

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* 15. Which word best explains how you play games?

Thank you! Please share this with interested friends in the Vancouver area!

All participants selected to attend will be contacted via email/phone - hopefully you'll hear from us soon!

You will now be redirected to our UXTL Playtest sign-up. Signing up will get you the most up-to-date information about upcoming playtests and surveys. Your contact information will never be used for any other purpose.