Have a one-to-one conversation about your research

Are you attending INFORMS 2014: 9-12 November, San Francisco? We would like to invite delegates to come to the Elsevier booth for quick one-to-one feedback sessions with journal editors.

The following editors will be holding sessions on the Elsevier booth, to which you can bring your abstract or poster for on-the-spot feedback:

Computers & Operations Research - Stefan Nickel
European Journal of Operational Research - Emanuele Borgonovo
European Journal of Operational Research - Lorenzo Peccati
European Journal of Operational Research - Roman Slowinski
Omega - Benjamin Lev

This is a great opportunity for you to have a one-to-one conversation about your research and how to get published with some of the leading academics in the field. You will have approximately 10 minutes with the editor of your choice to present your idea and receive personal feedback. If appropriate, you may then be invited to formally submit your paper to the journal.

Spaces are limited, so reserve your session now!

*Feedback given does not guarantee acceptance for publication. The usual peer review process will still apply after formal submission.*