1. Lumen Performance Management Maturity Assessment (LPMM)

WELCOME to the Lumen Performance Management Maturity (LPMM) Assessment.
The data and results of this assessment are confidential and do not identify individual organizations. The results of the survey will help you: 

- Benchmark your organization to the maturity levels of the Performance Management Maturity Model

- Compare your scores across the dimensions of Organization/Methodology/Technology for a diagnostic result

- Receive prescriptive insight to accelerate performance management and results delivery

You may offer the assessment to multiple people in your organization if you choose, for a more comprehensive report.  

This short version of the LPMM assessment offers insight and demonstration of the results that can be achieved with the full survey.  Please contact me if you would like to have the full assessment administered to your organization or if you have any questions. More on the maturity model can be found at http://bit.ly/LPMM-model .

Mitchell Weisberg, Managing Director
mitch@lumeninc.com  +1 781-249-3750 

This assessment has 12 questions and will take you less than 10 minutes to complete.  

Thank you for your time.   

Please provide brief demographic information so we can identify your organization for comparison and industry segmentation in to our database. CONFIDENTIALITY: Your information will be treated as confidential and will not be identified or released individually. 
Copyright: Lumen, Inc. 2015

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following demographic information. All information will be treated as confidential. This information is required to group people from the same organization or industry and make an accurate comparison to our database.

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* 3. What is your job level (or equivalent)?

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* 4. Would you like to have a copy of the survey results sent to you, identifying your position relative to the Performance Management Maturity Model and to our database?

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* 5. Would you like more information on strategy execution, performance measures, and sustaining your strategy/performance management process?

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* 6. We are forming a Performance Management Maturity Benchmark and Roadmap Research Working Group. The research will provide insights into performance improvement based on your organization's scores. Are you interested in learning more about this group and/or considering joining it?

25% of survey complete.